Culture and Mass Media
There are 50 cultural establishments in the region, including a regional community center, 22 clubs, the children’s arts school named after V. E. Volokh, a music school, 24 libraries, an arts and crafts center.
As many as ten art collectives have the titles of “People’s”, two art collectives have the title of “Exemplary”. The calling card of the region is Krynitsa band which has recently marked its 15th anniversary.
The annual Slavic song and music festival Dnyaprouskya Galasy u Dubroune (Dnieper Voices in Dubrovno) received a status of an international festival in 2004. This year amateur bands from Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia Estonia and Belarus took part in the festival.
The Dubrovno Art School and the Osintorf Rural Music School provide education in music, choreography and fine arts.
Eugenia Poltorak, a student of the Dubrovno Art School (accordion), took part in the final round of the Zhinovich Open National Contest of folk instruments’ players.
Международный фестиваль песни имузыки «Дняпроўскія галасы ў Дуброўне»