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22 March 2024

A1 Cybersecurity Center received OAC certification

 The Cyber ​​Security Center (TSC) of A1 was included in list of certified cybersecurity centers. This means that TsKB A1 has been certified by the OAC for compliance with the requirements of Order No. 130, which regulates the requirements for TsKB. Passing the certification confirms the right to provide cybersecurity services to government agencies and other organizations in accordance with the requirements of Belarusian legislation.

The certification process of the OAC TsKB is a check of the availability of the necessary systems for the functioning of the TsKB, an examination of the examination and coherence of the interaction of all teams of the center: monitoring, response and investigation of cyber incidents, as well as specialists analyzing malicious software and testing for penetration into the company’s information systems within the framework of assessment of security against cyber attacks. The OAC pays the main attention to the expertise of specialists of a potential Central Clinical Hospital and the established processes of its functioning. A significant stage in the development of the National Cybersecurity System of the Republic of Belarus is due to the rapid development and availability of information and communication technologies in all spheres of people’s lives and sectors of the economy. Thus, in view of the importance of countering the growing threats to cybersecurity and the need to consolidate public-private efforts in this direction, in accordance with Decree No. 40 “On Cybersecurity” dated February 14, 2023, a hierarchical system of cybersecurity centers was created with the coordinating role of the National Cybersecurity Center, established in Operations -Analytical Center (AAC) under the President of the Republic of Belarus. OAC Order No. 130 dated July 25, 2023 defines the technical and organizational requirements for cybersecurity centers and the certification procedure for such centers. One of the main tasks when building a system of cybersecurity centers is not only the construction of such centers in organizations that are strategically significant for the country, but also the possibility of providing services by cybersecurity centers to other enterprises. A1 cybersecurity services are provided on the basis of its own Tier III data center - one of the largest and most modern in the country. Our company has been a leading Belarusian provider of services for organizing, maintaining and developing infrastructure for any business for many years. A1 provides a full range of information security services: from auditing an existing system to designing, creating and certifying information security systems, implementing an information security management system and managing information security risks ,” comments Deputy General Director for Corporate Business and Information Technology Yuri Levdansky. — Despite the fact that the company has been providing SOC (Security Operations Center) services for several years, confirmation of the National Cybersecurity System of the Republic of Belarus, as well as trust from the state, is extremely important for us. The services of the certified A1 cybersecurity center, confirmed by Order of the Operational Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 15, 2024 No. 55, can be provided not only to government bodies and organizations, but also to any commercial organizations. More information about the service can be found by contacting SOCaaS@a1.by.

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