18 Komsomolskaya Street, Dubrovno, Vitebsk Oblast, 211587

8 (02137) 5-45-01

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Main / News / Region
13 September 2024

A ban on visiting forests has been introduced on the territory of the Polotsk region

Due to the established dry and hot weather in the Vitebsk region, the Polotsk forestry enterprise was transferred to an enhanced mode of duty to protect forests from fires. In accordance with the decisions of the Polotsk District Executive Committee and the Novopolotsk District Executive Committee, from 07.09.2024, a ban on visiting forests by citizens and the entry of vehicles into them has been introduced on the territory of the Polotsk District and the city of Novopolotsk. On the territory of the Polotsk forestry enterprise, daily preventive field activities are organized aimed at preventing fires in forests.

When conducting field activities, special attention is paid to settlements, garden partnerships, garage cooperatives, recreation areas and reservoirs adjacent to the forest fund, places for picking berries. Employees of the state forest protection of the Polotsk forestry enterprise conduct preventive conversations with citizens about temporary restrictions and prohibitions on visiting the territories of the forest fund and the entry of vehicles into them, on compliance with fire safety requirements during the fire hazardous period, on administrative and criminal liability for violation of fire safety rules in forests and peat bogs.

In accordance with Article 16.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus, violation of the requirements for ensuring fire safety in forests or peat bogs or a ban on visiting them, which did not result in damage, entails the imposition of a fine of up to twelve basic units, in case of destruction or damage to forests or peat bogs - the imposition of a fine of up to thirty basic units and compensation for the damage caused.

We ask citizens to consciously react to the introduction of a temporary ban and refrain from visiting the forest.

Forest Protection Engineer of the Polotsk Forestry 

Anatoly Pestun.

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